Exercise Tracker

Exercise Tracker
Choose from Cover Series 1 (Classic) materials for front and back covers. Includes 1-color foil or deboss imprint and a stock "Health/Fitness" imprint (optional). 100 sheets of stock exercise log filler. Black wire binding is standard (more colors available). Optional pre-designed FitnessTips inserts available as an add-on.

*Shown with upgraded Pen & Penport back

Size: 5" x 7"
Sheets: 100


Prices are subject to change without notice.

Qty 100 - 249 250 - 499 500 - 999 1000 - 2499 2500+
Price (CAD) $ 13.02 $ 12.56 $ 10.33 $ 8.77 $ 8.00

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