CreativeSpark NotePad

CreativeSpark NotePad
Our adult coloring book features 80# flexible, wraparound paper covers printed in full-color on entire outer cover on uncoated cover stock. 30 sheets of 60# pre-designed uncommon filler, available in Organic or Geometric theme* (features a mix of motivational quotes, lined, dotted, blank, and coloring pages). You can customize or add to the pre-designed themes to include your own logo for no additional charge. Optional upgrade: submit your own custom artwork for all 30 sheets of filler; see pricing footnotes for details. Perfect-bound spine.

*Contact factory for samples; click the "Templates" button below, and log into your web account for low-resolution filler art (for reference only)

Size: 5" x 7"
Sheets: 30


Prices are subject to change without notice.

Qty 100 - 249 250 - 499 500 - 999 1000+
Price (CAD) $ 15.13 $ 14.59 $ 12.01 $ 10.74

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